Here to help

you feel free.

This is an invitation for the curious thinkers, feelers, explorers, seekers, dreamers, healers, and creators of this world.

Guided by the seasons, we offer year-round honest connection events & wild immersive experiences designed to dig below the surface & explore the full human experience.

There is a world full of curious people, just like you, looking for a place to come together.

This is where you'll find us.

Our vision is a world where every single person feels free to be themselves without burden, where unhindered expression and experiences are welcomed, and big dreams are endlessly encouraged.

Exploring the human experience, together.

Nothing is more freeing than spending time with people that believe in you.

At Connection for the Curious, we are creating opportunities for those walking roads-less-wandered to find inspiration, support, and community through immersive experiences and dedicated social spaces.

What makes our events and offerings unique is our commitment to connection and community. No matter what an offering looks like, be it a social sunrise, a deep breathwork journey, or even a personalised experience, our main priority will be to provide avenues for honest conversations and community building.

Our goal here is to provide a space that you feel a part of, a place where you belong, somewhere to call home.

See what’s coming up below to get involved!

Meet Your Curious Connection Guide.

Hi! I’m Logan and everything that you see here is the manifestation of a single dream: To help others feel free.

To me, there is nothing more incredible than the look on someone's face at the very moment they realise just how much more this life has to offer them.

I know how hard it can be to go against the grain of what’s expected of you as you chase a life path that’s somewhat off the beaten track.

I’ve spent my life seeking new experiences and constantly putting myself and what I’ve learned to the test. I’ve moved through many identities and as I keep growing, so do the offerings here at Connection for the Curious.

The best way to get started is to join our mailing list to make sure you stay up to date with all our movements.

I look forward to exploring with you!