Finding Space to Feel Free: Our Story

Since I can remember, above all my other dreams and desires, I have wanted to bring people together to help them feel free.

For years I attempted to do this through teaching yoga and facilitating many other beautiful practices within studio spaces but I never quite found enough space to connect beyond a short chat before the next class began.

I eventually began to experiment with a concept that would bring us together beyond the confines and time limits of classes, workshops, and even larger events such as festivals.

I wanted to create a space that was here all year and offered consistent opportunities to feel free.

Connection for the Curious is a place for those who are endlessly curious about what life has to offer. It’s a place for curious thinkers, feelers, explorers, seekers, dreamers, healers and creators to consistently find freedom through community, support, and mind-opening experiences.

It’s not easy to stray away from the world you know and for many of us, the opportunities to share this experience with others are rare or out of reach.

Help Us Free the World With Curiosity & Connection!

We know that by exploring honest and open conversations, creating space for new experiences, and inviting in opportunities for curiosity to flourish, we can create a world in which all of us can feel free to be our truest selves.

This dream, however, needs many hands to lift it.

To make this a reality and influence the culture around us, we need you.

If you understand how important it is to feel free to be your full unhindered self, get involved in our events and spread our message as far as you can. To go far, we must go together.